Blog Header 1Ever found yourself planning a trip or landing up in a new place and wondering where to go or how to begin navigating your way through it? How do you make maximise your time in a new space?

native place (a word used extensively in South India to mean `place of origin’) is a travel company that helps you discover AUTHENTIC LOCAL EXPERIENCES through travel stories. We share street level information, show you city secrets, point out local flavours, introduce you to local people here and help you decode the city system. We do this so you can experience a place meaningfully and most importantly, logically. On the way, you’ll make your own discoveries and find new experiences.We’d love it if you come back here to share your comments with fellow travellers who could use this information when setting off on their own adventures. But no malls, multiplexes and lounge bars please.We just love everything that’s local.

We also:

  • Review and recommend travel companies, products, services and experiences on our blog.
  • Write editorial pieces and commissioned travel stories for magazines and newspapers.
  • Undertake photo-documentation projects.
  • Research and create customised itineraries for travellers.
  • Design travel collateral:maps, booklets and guides.

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